Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Meet the Business Development team

I have been working as a Business Development Officer and Account Manager for 5 years to many wonderful schools and academies! I really enjoy the diversity in my role, mainly working with Education, Property and Finance ensuring schools have the very best support possible in these areas.

Stephanie.Payne@buckinghamshire.gov.ukConnect With Stephanie

I am the Business Development Officer and I have worked for the council for 2 1/2 years having completed my apprenticeship with the team in my first year. I am responsible for triaging customer queries through the Traded Services sales and accounts help desk including product information, locating forms, and providing statements. I also manage the social media channels, communications, and collect customer feedback for customer insight. Most recently I have been in an acting up role where I have been account managing a range of schools and academies and internally working closely with our PSN and Insurance services.

We have a Business Development Officer vacancy. They will be required to account manage a range of schools and academies and internally work closely with our ICT and HR services. Alongside the account management calls and visits, help new Business Manager's and Bursars through their induction period, manage the academisation process, support business improvement projects and coordinate events as well as training.

I am the Business Development Officer and I have worked for the council for 3 years. I am responsible for responding to customer queries through the Traded Services Sales and accounts help desk including invoice, order and service enquiries. I also ensure all Traded Services charges are delivered through the Traded Services accounts.
I am the Business Development Manager and have worked for the council for 11 years. I am responsible for the Traded services site and online shopping system including product updates, annual buyback, and online visibility of Service Level Agreements. I also manage a small team of business development officers on the Traded Services help desk.

Amy.Impey@buckinghamshire.gov.ukConnect With Amy

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