Buckinghamshire Traded Services



Does your school currently purchase SIMS and FMS Annual Entitlement (AE) via the ICT Schools Team, taking advantage of the LA Discounted AE as part of our current LA Contract with ESS SIMS?

You are invited to attend an important update webinar announcing forthcoming changes to the LA contract between ESS SIMS and the ICT Schools Team from 1st April 2025 and what that means for our supported LA Maintained Schools. This is a free event and whether you purchase SIMS and FMS or just FMS, it is vital that key decision makers in your School attend. There are two dates which we hope will give everyone the opportunity to join.

Please recommend to colleagues who would benefit from attending this important webinar. 

 10 am - 11 am

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 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm

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A short recap of this year's Buckinghamshire Academy School Leadership conference in Brighton...

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