Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Autism Education Trust (AET) Training sessions

Autism Education Trust (AET) Training sessions

We are pleased to hold the licence to deliver AET Training for Schools and Post-16 Settings within Buckinghamshire. 

Autism Education Trust Training is fully accredited and may be booked individually or delivered within individual settings. 

Some of this training has an associated cost.

The courses are:

Making Sense of Autism

Making Sense of Autism


This module is an awareness-raising module for all staff in a school community, whether they be teachers, learning support assistants, school meal supervisors, or taxi drivers. The module provides an introduction to autism and the reasonable adjustments that need to be considered when working with autistic pupils.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of getting to know the pupil as an individual.
  • Approach autism as a difference rather than as a disorder or impairment.
  • Know how three areas of difference can affect autistic pupils.
  • Understand the importance of identifying the strengths and needs of autistic pupils.
  • Appreciate how important it is to listen to and learn from the perspectives of autistic pupils.
  • Reflect on and implement reasonable adjustments to support autistic pupils you work with.
  • Have knowledge and understanding of the importance of one-page profiles and how to collect information for the one-page profile.

Date: Delivered on Request of schools

Time: 2 hours

Venue: Onsite Delivery

Cost: Free when delivered to whole school staff groups

Please contact sts@buckinghamshire.gov.uk to arrange a booking for in-house delivery.

This course will also run for individual delegates to book on the following:

Date: Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Time: 1pm-3.30pm

Venue: CSB, Amersham Offices

Cost: £30

Good Autism Practice

Good Autism Practice

This module is for practitioners who work with autistic pupils (5–16). It provides practitioners with practical strategies when working with autistic pupils.

The module also takes participants through guidance on developing a pupil-centred education plan (PCEP) for an autistic pupil.

Participants will:

  • Develop their knowledge of how the key areas of difference can impact the learning of autistic pupils.
  • Understand the importance of involving the pupil and family in the pupil’s education.

Consider the approaches, strategies, and adaptations they can implement to remove barriers to participation and learning for autistic pupils.

Reflect on how knowledge about autism and the individual autistic pupil can inform the one-page profile and the pupil-centred education plan.

Learning Outcomes:

The aims of ‘Good autism Practice in Schools’ are to support practitioners who work directly with autistic pupils to: 

  • Develop their knowledge and understanding of good autism practice. 
  • Reflect on and improve their practice in working with autistic pupils. 
  • Understand strategies and approaches they can draw upon for autistic pupils they work with. 
  • Reflect on the kind of information they need to collect for the one-page profile and for the pupil-centred education plan.  
  • Consider how to involve the autistic pupil and their family in the pupil’s education.  
  • Enhance and embed inclusive practice for autistic pupils.  


This module is also available for in-house delivery to small groups or whole staff teams at a cost of £285. Please contact sts@buckinghamshire.gov.uk to arrange a booking for in-house delivery.

Understanding Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety

This module is for practitioners who work with autistic pupils (5–16) to gain an understanding of what we mean by anxiety, how it appears in autistic children and young people, what the key triggers are and what you can do to support autistic children and young people and prevent and reduce anxiety.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, you will understand: 

  • How autistic CYP might express anxiety. 
  • What can cause anxiety in autistic CYP.
  • What you can do to prevent and reduce anxiety in autistic CYP. 
  • how prevalent and impactful anxiety can be on autistic CYP.
  • that anxiety can be transactional and we all have a role in reducing anxiety in school.
  • there is a toolbox of approaches that can be used to reduce anxiety and the first step is to learn about the individual's triggers and preferred means of support.
  • that by reducing anxiety we can significantly improve a CYP's ability to engage with school life and their peers, as well as improve general well-being.


Date: Tuesday 30th April 2024

Time: 9.30am-12.30pm

Venue: Wycombe, Council Offices

Cost: £45


Sessions are repeated, please book on one only. 

This module is also available for in-house delivery to small groups or whole staff teams at a cost of £285.

Please contact sts@buckinghamshire.gov.uk to arrange a booking for in-house delivery.

Autism and Inclusion

Autism and Inclusion

This module is for SENDCos and School Leadership Teams.

This module looks at what the key causes are of autistic children and young people being excluded from school, and how staff can prevent exclusion occurring or, when it does occur, provide support for the CYP’s successful return or transition on to their next placement.  

Much of what is presented in this module is based on a research study conducted by the University of Birmingham’s Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER).

The report from this study is available for all delegates as their main reference. 

Learning Outcomes:

The aim of this module is to enable delegates to:

  • Understand the legal context of autism and exclusion.
  • Understand the risk of illegal exclusion and how to avoid it occurring.
  • Better understand the triggers and ways of managing distressed behaviours.


After completing this module delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate better knowledge of what is expected of settings in terms of the rights of CYP and families in relation to exclusion.
  • See the exclusion experience through the eyes of the autistic CYP and their family.
  • Identify distressed behaviour of Autistic pupils and its triggers.
  • Consider how they can make reasonable adjustments to reduce the risk of incidents leading to exclusions.
  • Understand how exclusion can significantly negatively impact an autistic child and young person’s experiences and outcomes.
  • Recognise how the whole setting has a role to encourage inclusion.

Date: Thursday 25th April 2024

Time: 9.30am -2pm

Venue: Aylesbury

Cost: £60


Date: Thursday 27th June 2024

Time: 9.30am -2pm

Venue: CSB, Amersham Offices

Cost: £60

Sessions are repeated, please book on one only.

This module is also available for in-house delivery to small groups or whole staff teams at a cost of £380.

Please contact sts@buckinghamshire.gov.uk to arrange a booking for in-house delivery.

The Progression Framework

The Progression Framework

This training will introduce the Progression Framework and accompanying documents and show you how to use the framework to identify key learning intentions. 

The session is suitable for staff / practitioners working with children and young people across the three phases in both mainstream and specialist settings, particularly those that have responsibility for assessment procedures (SENDCos and Class Teachers). 

Learning Outcomes:

The aims of this module are to enable delegates to:

  • Address skills and understanding that children and young people may find difficult as a consequence of their autism.
  • Recognise and build on children and young people's strengths and interests and improve overall wellbeing.
  • Appreciate that children and young people may need support in these areas and that their progress is dependent on this support.


After completing this module delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate familiarity with the key features and content of the AET Progression Framework.
  • Know how to use the AET Progression Framework to identify priorities and set learning intentions for individuals.
  • Know how to use the AET Progression Framework to provide evidence of progress. 


Date: On request of settings

Time: 2 hours

Venue: At setting that made request

Cost: TBC

Sessions are repeated, please book on one only.

 Please contact sts@buckinghamshire.gov.uk to arrange a booking for in-house delivery.

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